Selected bibliography
Connolly, Bob and Robin Anderson
1987 First Contact. New York: Viking Penguin, Inc.

Dunlop, Ian
1992 Baruya Muka Archival: Documentation and Translation. Lindfield, Australia

Godelier, Maurice
1982 La production des Grands Hommes: Pouvoir et domination masculine chez les Baruya de Nouvelle-Guinée. Paris: Fayard.

2007 Au Fondement des Sociétés Humaines: ce que nous apprend l'anthropologie. Paris: Albin Michel

2010 In and Out of the West: Reconstructing Anthropology. University of Virginia Press.

2010 Community, society, culture: three keys to understanding today's conflicted identities IN Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 1--11. Huxley Memorial Lecture, London, 7 November 2008. Published Online: 10 Feb 2010

Godelier, M. and Garanger, J.
1979 "Stone Tools and Steel Tools among the Baruya of New Guinea" in Human Societies and Ecosystems Social Science Information, 18, 4/5, p. 670. London and Beverly Hills.

Lemonnier, Pierre
1990 Guerres et festins: paix, echanges et competition dans les highlands de Nouvelle-Guinee/ avant propos de Maurice Godelier. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. 189 p.

1992 Elements for an Anthropology of Technology. Ann Arbor: Anthropology Papers, Univeristy of Michigan Museum of Anthropology.

1993 Pigs as Ordinary Wealth: Technical logic, exchange and leadership in New Guinea. pp 126 - 156 in Technological choices: transformation in material cultures since the Neolithic, ed. Pierre Lemonnier. London: Routledge

Lemonnier, Pierre and Pascale Bonnem&egra;re
2009 A Measure of Violence: Forty Years of "First Contact" Among the Ankave-Anga (Papua New Guinea) in Jolly, Margaret, Tcherkézoff, Serge and Tryon, Darrell eds. Oceanic Encounters: Exchange, Desire, Violence, Canberra: Australian National University

Lloyd, Richard
1989 Bound and minor words in Baruya. SIL Publications Catalog. Data Pages on Papua New Guinea Languages 35

Lloyd, Richard G. and Joy Lloyd.
1981 "The dialects of the Baruya language."ÊIn Phyllis Healey (ed.), Angan languages are different, 25-50. Language Data, Asian-Pacific Series, 12. Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics.